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healthy by Mind Map: healthy

1. diet

1.1. eat

1.1.1. vegestable vitamin low in fat

1.1.2. fruit variety

1.1.3. fast metabolizing starch

1.1.4. fast food

1.2. drinks

1.2.1. juice

1.2.2. alcohol, beer, cacbonated water

2. help

2.1. doctors

2.2. dietician

2.3. psychologist

3. stress

3.1. effects

3.1.1. diarrhea

3.1.2. insomnia

3.1.3. anxious

3.2. solutions

3.2.1. relaxation

3.2.2. set goalsc

3.2.3. exercise

3.3. causes

3.3.1. work

3.3.2. exams

3.3.3. relationships

3.4. avoid

3.4.1. smoking

3.4.2. alcohol

3.4.3. caffeine

4. state

4.1. happy

4.2. strong

5. exercise

5.1. earobic

5.1.1. running

5.1.2. walking

5.1.3. bike

5.2. yoga

5.3. gym

6. sleep

6.1. 8 hours sleep

6.2. 33% of our life

6.3. insomnia

6.3.1. comfy mattress

6.3.2. regular exercise

6.3.3. not smoking/ caffeine

6.4. consequences

6.4.1. stress

6.4.2. mistakes

6.4.3. hard to concentrate