Toys are U.S. America at Play

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Toys are U.S. America at Play por Mind Map: Toys are U.S. America at Play

1. Geogrophy

1.1. Football

1.2. Play has been affected by living conditions

1.2.1. Soccer

1.3. Play has been affected by climate

1.3.1. Running

1.3.2. Ice Skating

2. Gender

2.1. Girl's Toys

2.1.1. Barbie

2.1.2. Tumble Dolls

2.2. Boy's Toys

2.2.1. Gi Joe

3. Political

3.1. Pez dispensers

3.2. Bobbleheads

3.3. Action Figures

4. Economy

4.1. Kids played with household objects

4.1.1. Pots and Pans

4.1.2. Fort in the living room

4.2. Toys that have been affected by the economy

4.2.1. Straw Doll

5. Educational

5.1. Learning methods have been affected by technology

5.1.1. Video Games

5.1.2. Leapster

5.2. New node

5.2.1. Chess