1. Pictures & Video
1.1. Simple Gallery - Thumbnails of photos allowing users to 'click-to-enlarge' or navigate to a write-up where applicable.
2. Home
2.1. Latest News - What is the most current item we want people to see. Although covered later this gives the chance to show the single most important item, at that time, without requiring users to 'dig deeper' into the site.
2.1.1. Upcoming event (great chance to remind/inform visitors of any events, such as open days, guest visits, coking demonstrations, etc).
2.1.2. Post event write-up (condensed version of news following a sucessful event.).
2.1.3. Big developments (completion of projects such as bee hives, bug hotels, clay ovens, etc).
2.1.4. Media Coverage (local/national press, e-News, etc).
2.1.5. Seasonal Overview (look ahead to spring, etc).
2.1.6. etc....
3. Meet & Contract Us
3.1. Group Contact Details - Simple e-Mail/Post/Telephone details to allow users to make contact.
3.2. Basic Biogs - Quick snippet of the various people who are involved. Optional but does make the group feel more accessible when users can read a little about individuals they can relate to.
4. Local Food & Foraging
4.1. Foraging Map - Interactive map with locations of edible plants in the local area and basic info on how and when to pick and prepare them.
4.2. Local Supplier List - Showcase the local producers where food is likely to be lower carbon, fresher, or where a supplier is actively investing in the local area.
5. News & Blog
5.1. News - write-ups of events and spotlights on anything forthcoming or interesting (either with history or request button for old items).
5.2. Blog - more informal update on what the group has been doing.
6. Coming Up
6.1. Callendar - Ideally a rolling this last/month/next month with events clearly visible in bullet point (title, date, time, location) and a 'more info' button for full details (bullet point info + full blurb)
6.1.1. Upcoming events - Schedule of what's happening and when.
6.1.2. Previous events - Quick links to write-ups and photo galleries.
7. What We Do?
7.1. Mission Statement - What is IE and what are we trying to achieve. Should be short and to the point and try to resonate with target audiences (inclusion of themes such as health/low-cost/low carbon, etc)
7.2. Spotlight - Highlight something slightly more in-depth than would suit the home page, or where something is important but not necessarily 'big news'.
7.2.1. Site Locations - Give a really quick overview of the various sites, or highlight a single site where extra emphasis is needed or events are upcoming.
7.2.2. Seasonal Messages - Give insight into what will be happening in the coming months such as planting schedules, ideal harvest times, arrival of bees, etc.
8. Know Your Onions
8.1. Useful information for users
8.1.1. Plant guides - how, when and where best to grow different plants with an emphasis of easy & low maintenance foods.
8.1.2. Construction guides - how best to use otherwise landfilled materials to make planters, bug hotels, bee hives, etc.
8.1.3. Cookery guides - how to do interesting things with plants that might ordinarily be seen as mundane and how to get the most out of foods both nutritionally and minimising waste.