Presenting Using VC

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Presenting Using VC by Mind Map: Presenting Using VC

1. Be aware of what you are doing, the camera could be on you - presentation

1.1. New node

2. Watching other people helps you understand how others see you prep

3. Strong Runsheet and roles to provide structure - prep

3.1. Discuss beforehand who is going to do what helps to make everyone relax and be successful

4. Technology

4.1. When you zoom into one area other areas might think they aren't heard but they can still be heard - tech

4.2. When you are not zoomed in it makes it harder to see who is talking - tech

4.2.1. It also seems like it's not like you're talking to someone

4.3. Mute your microphone when you're not talking - presentation/tech

4.4. Play with the camera - tech

4.5. Using presets - tech

5. Presentation

5.1. Supporting eachother, sharing ideas - presentation

5.2. Zoom in on the person who is talking - presentation

6. prep

6.1. You need to practice - prep

6.1.1. once you've done a few it becomes easier

6.1.2. It can feel strange and awkward to start

6.2. Run through the plan and organise resources beforehand - prep

6.3. Learn Bridgit - prep

6.3.1. you can use this to present powerpoints

7. Look at the camera - presentation

8. Consider the lighting - prep

9. Jokes don't go very well over video - presentation

10. Reflect on your performance - presentation

11. Look confident - presentation

11.1. It makes it more comfortable for the other person

12. Experienced presenters give more feedback to the other party to let them know how they were going - presentation