Adult Language Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfuction

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Adult Language Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfuction by Mind Map: Adult Language Disorders & Cognitive-Based Dysfuction

1. Aphasia: "the absenceof language"

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. 1.) A disturbance in the lang. after language has been learned.

1.1.2. 2.) Results from a neurological injury to the lang. dominant hemisphere of the brain.

1.1.3. 3.) Distrubance of expressive abilities for both spoken and written.

1.2. How it affects one's speech?

1.2.1. fluency- slow, choppy, grammar errors

1.2.2. word finding problems

1.2.3. jargon - run on and on

1.2.4. repetition

1.2.5. reading and writing difficulty

1.3. Aphasia Syndromes

1.3.1. Broca's Teenage girl Sarah Scott had a stroke and she started out not being able to remember her name and how old she was. As the videos continued she improves her speaking, but can not read.

1.3.2. Transcortical motor

1.3.3. Global

1.3.4. Wernicke's

1.3.5. Transcortical sensory

1.3.6. Conduction

1.3.7. Anomic

1.4. Treatments

1.4.1. spontaneous recovery

1.4.2. moving from easy to harder tasks

1.4.3. help improve communication depending on deficit areas

2. Dementia

2.1. What is it?

2.1.1. A serious and progressive decline in memory, cognitive, language, and personality

2.2. Characteristics:

2.2.1. forgetfullness, losing items

2.2.2. language skills decrease, loss vocab

2.2.3. forget names

2.2.4. motor function, lang. comprehension, and social skills vary depending on severity

2.3. What ID's it

2.3.1. neurological changes

2.3.2. SLP assess congnitive and linguistic abilities

2.4. Treatment

2.4.1. Medication slow symptoms

2.4.2. environmental changes promote safety

2.4.3. SLP help depending on severity

3. Right-Hemisphere damage

3.1. What is it?

3.1.1. Injury results in neurological damage to the right hemisphere

3.2. Characteristics:

3.2.1. lack of awareness, visual & physical limits

3.2.2. Difficulty recognizing faces

3.2.3. providing lots info -wordy

3.2.4. dysarthria

3.2.5. hard time understanding high-level cogn. linguistics

3.3. ID of RHD

3.3.1. SLP assess all aspects communication

3.3.2. Visual assessment

3.3.3. Neuropsychological test

3.4. Treatments:

3.4.1. improve attention to left visual field

3.4.2. target high level cognitive-linguistic tasks

4. Traumatic Brain Injury

4.1. What is it?

4.1.1. refers to neurological damage to the brain from the impact of external forces.

4.2. Characteristics:

4.2.1. Open-head injuries

4.2.2. Closed-head injuries

4.2.3. Polytrauma

4.3. ID of TBI

4.3.1. comatosed

4.3.2. behavioral observations

4.4. Treatments:

4.4.1. enviromental changes

4.4.2. medical support

4.4.3. Prevent stressful language and thoughts