1. Chapter 3
1.1. Race and Class
1.1.1. never had an all out civil rights movement like the US
1.1.2. no legal supports on racism in brazil
1.1.3. "racial identities"
1.2. A Black Cinderella
1.2.1. a story about a black woman physically assaulted for making delaying an elevator
1.2.2. not worthy of waiting for
1.2.3. fry argues that color casting in brazil is situational
1.2.4. racial democracy
1.3. Seducing the Coroa
1.3.1. lighter skinned people are believed to be more successful
1.3.2. coroa distinguished by weath or class
1.3.3. fantasy is dependant of who is willing to be seduced
1.3.4. seducing an economically more stable man
1.4. Representation and Commodification of Black Bodies
1.4.1. black women mulata
1.4.2. sexualized images of mulata
1.4.3. recent attempts to deconstruct mulata imagery
1.4.4. came from ideology for sexual attacts on slaves
1.5. The Coroa and Ideology of Whitening
1.5.1. women seek mobility through relationship
1.5.2. race is being socially weighed and sexually valorized
1.5.3. illustating a broader thematic subject amoug this group
1.5.4. story of hope
1.6. Two Kisses
1.6.1. two kisses traditional carioca greeting
1.6.2. one of glorias employers neglected to greet her hello and goodbye
1.6.3. inspied to speak directly at racism
1.6.4. gloria's joke
1.6.5. codification of sentiments concerning both sexuallity and race
1.6.6. similarly registers disapproval of roberts choice
2. Chapter 2
2.1. Struggle to earn a living wage
2.1.1. Gloria originally worked 15 hour days 2 hors traveling
2.1.2. faxineira- heavy duty cleaner
2.1.3. 1992 6 dollars a day
2.1.4. Dona Beth finally changed her wage
2.1.5. worked full time for her
2.1.6. middle class used help as necessity and class marter
2.1.7. ambiguous relationships
2.2. Class, Culture, and the Effects of Domination
2.2.1. these statistical trends are noted to lay founation for capturing aesthetics of domination
2.2.2. domestic service and the economy
2.2.3. "social apartheid"
2.3. Ambiguous Affections
2.3.1. Gloria's close relationship with Dona Beth extended
2.3.2. fine line between wanting to help and realizing limitations
2.3.3. mixture of love and appretiation
2.3.4. domestic workers talk "differently"
2.4. The euphemization of power relations
2.4.1. protection of class privilege is highly visible
2.4.2. continued segregation of architectural forms
2.4.3. longevity of relationship with workers
2.5. A Game of Signs
2.5.1. no social mobility
2.5.2. capital comes visible in handwriting
2.5.3. middle and upper class obsessed with crime and shrinking public space
2.6. The limitations of acedemic capital
2.6.1. school system is class from the start
2.6.2. young girls sent off as domestic workers
2.7. "muchachas no more"
2.7.1. signs of resistence and backlash associated with slavery
2.7.2. oppositional culture
2.7.3. Darlene - met gloria 17 year old
2.7.4. she is example of the foreshadowed feelings of the younger generation