The Food Pyramid
by Erin Deane

1. Vegetables
1.1. What counts as a Vegetable?
1.1.1. Raw or Cooked
1.1.2. 100% Vegetable juice
1.1.3. Canned or Frozen
1.2. How much do we need?
1.2.1. 1 1/2 cup
2. Grains
2.1. Whole grains
2.1.1. Brown Rice
2.1.2. Whole wheat bread
2.2. Refined Grains
2.2.1. White Flour
2.2.2. White Rice
2.3. How much do we need?
2.3.1. 5 ounces total 2 1/2 whole grain
3. Dairy
3.1. What is Dairy?
3.1.1. Milk
3.1.2. Cheese
3.1.3. Yogurt
3.2. How much do we need?
3.2.1. 2 1/2 cups
4. Oils, Fats & Sugars
4.1. What are Oil, Fats and Sugars?
4.1.1. Olive Oil
4.1.2. Butter
4.1.3. Sweets
4.2. How much can we have?
4.2.1. 4 teaspoons
5. New node
6. Fruits
6.1. What Counts as Fruit?
6.1.1. 100% Fruit Juice
6.1.2. Canned or Frozen
6.1.3. Fresh Fruit
6.2. How much do we need?
6.2.1. 1 1/2 cup
7. Protein
7.1. What is Protein?
7.1.1. Meat
7.1.2. Eggs
7.1.3. Poultry
7.1.4. Nuts
7.1.5. Fish
7.2. How much do we need?
7.2.1. 4 ounces