Input & Output Devices

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Input & Output Devices por Mind Map: Input & Output Devices

1. OUTPUT DEVICES - The pieces of hardware that takes the data or information out of the computer.

1.1. Headphones

1.1.1. Benefits Allows for independent work, noise won't bother others, direct sound for herd of hearing.

1.1.2. Challenges Finding the right type of headphones to hook up for individual classrooms, cost, quantity.

1.1.3. Application of Learning The ability to listen and learn vocabulary words and reading passages at each students reading level.

1.2. Projector

1.2.1. Benefits Display to a larger area for the whole class, show videos, displays through a document camera for 3D objects, books, and papers

1.2.2. Challenges Cost, choosing the right projector for what is needed in the classroom, quality isn't great on just a wall, picking one with good resolution and brightness.

1.2.3. Application of Learning Displaying a diagram or information about a subject. They see it and hear it. For example, they can see a video along with reading information.

2. INPUT DEVICES - Any computer peripheral that you use to enter data into a computer.

2.1. Digital Camera

2.1.1. Benefits Image goes right to computer, can record video, holds more pictures, print photos right away, preview photos as you take them

2.1.2. Challenges Selecting the right camera for the classroom and cost of a good camera.

2.1.3. Application of Learning Take photos on a field trip and identify, label, and display printed photos.

2.2. Graphic tablet

2.2.1. Benefits Draw diagrams, more precise control than a mouse. Add comments, mark up, or add emphasis to a document as you teach.

2.2.2. Challenges Cost and determining the right tablet for what will work best in the classroom.

2.2.3. Application of Learning Discussion and key features that are pointed out help students pick out what is important. Then the document that was marked up or changed can be displayed for later study.