Teleclass Launch
by Sue Tupling
1. content
1.1. single purpose
1.1.1. core skills
1.1.2. core distinctions
1.1.3. assignment?
1.1.4. summary/take home
1.1.5. debrief
1.2. production
1.2.1. design
1.2.2. layout
1.2.3. proof
1.3. distribution
1.3.1. verify sequence
1.3.2. notifications
1.3.3. upload
2. support material
2.1. design
2.2. produce
2.3. proof
3. learning engine
3.1. preparation
3.2. delivery
3.3. follow through
3.4. evaluation
4. scheduling
4.1. event date
4.2. pre-reg deadline
4.3. build list of respondents
4.4. set up with DimDim
5. sign up
5.1. welcome letter
5.2. phone to reassure
5.3. pre-conference email
5.3.1. where, when, what, who, how