1. Accountability
2. Cultural aspects
2.1. negative
2.1.1. low wages for the workers in third world countries
2.1.2. exploit of workers in third world countries
2.1.3. cultural degradation
2.1.4. cultures differ from each other less
2.1.5. national cultures are under threat thanks to the spread of international media networks
2.2. positive
2.2.1. mixed cultures all over the world
2.2.2. better understanding for other cultures
2.2.3. democrazy spreads all over the world
2.2.4. increased respect for human rights
2.2.5. spreading of information
2.2.6. entertainment (music, movies,..) spread all over the world
2.2.7. use of english as international lingua franca across the world. Working language/official language of international organisations such as the United Nations, European Union, ...
3. equality/inequality
4. brands
4.1. Apple, McDonalds, Adidas, Nike, ...
4.1.1. If you travel to another country, you can buy products and import them into your country
5. communication
6. recognition
7. Outsourcing
8. Without globalisation you can't get scotish whisky everywehre
8.1. and you can easily travel to Amsterdam
9. What does Globalisation to our earth?
10. relocate production sites
11. reduction of trade barriers
11.1. We can easily buy products, that are made in China or America
12. political aspects
12.1. spread of democracy
12.2. reduction of trade barriers
12.3. as people improve the living conditions through an improved economy they become more educated and seek more political rights as well
13. History + Reasons
13.1. The concept stretches beck to the trading empires built by Spain, Portugal, Britain and Holland.
13.2. 100 years ago the world was as globalised as today
13.3. The 1930s depression put paid to that
13.4. General agreement on traffis and trade (GATT 1947)
13.5. The term "globalisation" was first coined in the 1980s.
13.6. World trade organisation (WTO 1995)
13.7. The past 40 years have seen the biggest and longest economic boom
13.8. The creation of the EEC, which is today the EU, is also part of the globalisation process
14. trade + economy
14.1. +
14.1.1. increased international trade market
14.1.2. growth in international travel
14.1.3. creates working places for many people
14.1.4. products from other countries are easily accessible
14.1.5. companies have to get more creative to compete with products from other countries
14.1.6. economy becomes better in many countries
14.1.7. reduction of trade barriers
14.1.8. trade between countries has become easier
14.1.9. products have become cheaper and available all over the world
14.2. -
14.2.1. product diversity may plunge because there are already better versions
14.2.2. poor working conditions
14.2.3. many smaller companies cannot compete on the global market