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PDP posts by Mind Map: PDP posts

1. thanks for sharing!

2. Courses = learning (or just accreditation!?)

2.1. 'another course'? or are there other activities which may be less 'formal' but just as worthwhile to achieve what you want to do?

2.2. lack of acknowledgement of informal learning

3. Specific/granular enough to be achievable?

3.1. Clarification needed around evaluation of goals/milestones

3.2. what will you then do to achive?

3.3. how you might make some of these goals more specific and more time-bound?

3.4. Wooly goals

3.4.1. Are these things you want to get better at overall or do more of?

3.4.2. Goals that are actually means to (achieving longer term goals) blogging is the means to become more reflective (goal), not the goal itself. Doing the MedEd is the means, the goal should be to do designing learning opportunities better

3.4.3. realism? pick an aspect of x not the whole shooting match

4. Please reflect on this and develop it over the course

4.1. PDP is only a snapshot

5. Organisation

5.1. Good

5.1.1. Clinical

5.1.2. Professional

5.1.3. Personal

5.2. comprehensiveness/scope

5.2.1. Include a 'global aim'

5.2.2. how global is the global aim

5.2.3. do the sub-aims aim at the global aim?

5.3. Clarity