My Still Life "Shells"

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My Still Life "Shells" by Mind Map: My Still Life "Shells"

1. Size

1.1. Small

1.2. Medium

1.3. Large

1.4. Gargantuan

2. Shape

2.1. Oval

2.2. Circle

2.3. Square

2.4. Triangular

3. Texture

3.1. uses of materials

4. Different types

4.1. Seaweed

4.2. Driftwood

4.3. Pebbles

5. Colours

5.1. Grey

5.2. Silver

5.3. Orange

5.4. Green

5.5. Pink

5.6. Peach

5.7. Brown

6. Line

6.1. Different types of medium

7. Form