Theoretical Perspective To Curriculum Content
by Yeng thao
1. Nativist Perspective
1.1. Focuses on nature and "Emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities as being responsible for language development" (Otto, 2010).
1.2. "Linguist Noam Chomsky is the major theorist associated with the navitist perspective" (Otto, 2010). Stgevin Pinker also supports the navitist perspective stating "Language is the product of a well-engineered biological instinct" (Otto, 2010).
1.3. The focus on aspect of language knowledge is syntactic.
2. Interactionist Perspective
2.1. Focuses on nurture and "the primary role of socialcultural interaction in children's development of language knowledge" (Otto, 2010).
2.2. The focus on aspect of language knowledge is pragmatic.
2.3. This theory is supported by Vygotsky, Bruner, and Halliday.
3. Behaviorist Perspective
3.1. Focuses on nurture and "Emphasizes othe role of "nurture" and considers learning to occur based on the stimuli, responses, and reinforecments that occur in the environment" (Otto, 2010).
3.1.1. High Priority
3.1.2. Medium Priority
3.1.3. Low Priority
3.2. The focus on aspect of language knowledge is semantic, syntactic, and morphemic. "Language is "taught"" (Otto, 2010).
3.2.1. Not Started
3.2.2. 25% complete
3.2.3. 50% complete
3.2.4. 75% complete
3.2.5. Done
3.3. The major theorist who supports the Behaviorist Perspective is Skinner.
3.3.1. Flags
3.3.2. Icons