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Web 2.0 at UC создатель Mind Map: Web 2.0 at UC

1. Managing Risks

1.1. Evolution not revolution

1.2. The right participation model

1.3. Governance and Process

1.4. Education

1.5. Good advice

1.6. Policy

2. UC Online Communities

2.1. They exist!

2.2. Power of the crowd

2.3. Participation not control

2.4. UC Online Communities Concept

2.5. MIT Tech TV

2.6. Intranet to UC Staff Community

2.7. myUC

3. Federated

3.1. Mashups

3.2. Systems share data

3.3. Don't have to install everything locally!

3.4. Leverage off the work of others

3.5. Google Maps

4. What is Web 2.0?

5. Data Driven

5.1. Systems not just static files on a server

5.2. UC's Strategic Publishing Systems

5.2.1. People - People Publishing System (New)

5.2.2. Courses - CIS

5.2.3. Qualifications - Qualification Publisher (New)

5.2.4. Research - Research Profile (New)

5.2.5. Campus - Online Campus Map (New)

5.2.6. Web Content - CMS (New)

5.3. Can't be data driven if you ain't got the data

6. The Web is the Platform

6.1. Doing things .. not just reading about it

6.2. Email now Webmail

6.3. Moving towards Software over the web

6.4. Google Apps

6.5. Don't haeve to install locally

7. Better Interaction

7.1. AJAX

7.2. Trademe

7.3. Joy of use - not just usability

8. T&L Applications - covered by Derek