Verizon App Challenge

Brainstorming and Organization

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Verizon App Challenge by Mind Map: Verizon App Challenge

1. Action Points

1.1. Action Point 1

1.2. Action Point 2

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. High Priority

2.2. Medium Priority

2.3. Low Priority

3. Plan

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Rules

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.2.2. Session Rule 2

3.3. Define Problems

3.4. Capture Ideas

3.5. Prioritize Ideas

3.6. Define Action Points

4. Problem

4.1. I'm hungry where can I get food?

4.2. I'm hungry and need to find a good place to eat for a maximum price off

4.3. I need to simplify my essay to blank amount of words.

4.4. I can't afford a graphing calculator

4.5. I can't find the car keys

4.6. Where is the nearest hospital, police station,etc.?

4.7. What is happening that everyone's talking about where is it and who is going

4.8. I need to know where the nearest gas station?

4.9. Where is the nearest ski resort?

4.10. Where can I buy...

4.11. How do I be certain I have not copied other peoples work

5. Ideas

5.1. Help with Writing Assignments (word count, spell check, word/sentence complexity)

5.2. Food Type Locater

5.3. Student Planner

5.4. Yearbook

5.5. Shopper Helper