Multi Hazard Zones - on each zone add details of the hazards that happen here!!

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Multi Hazard Zones - on each zone add details of the hazards that happen here!! by Mind Map: Multi Hazard Zones - on each zone add details of the hazards that happen here!!

1. New Zealand

1.1. Earthquakes

1.2. New node

1.3. Drought

1.3.1. There's No Water left To use

2. U.S.A

2.1. drought.

2.1.1. drought is caused when there is no water left.

2.2. hurricanes.

2.2.1. huricanes are caused by the atmosphere.

2.3. earthquakes.

2.3.1. earthquakes are caused by the earths plates moving. the effects of an earthquake, can leave people homeless, forests can be destroyed.

2.3.2. a small earthquake is called a tremor.

2.3.3. sometimes you cant feel earthquakes, but some can cause major injuries.

2.3.4. some can cause bridges and buildings to collapse.

2.4. volcanoes.

2.4.1. volcanoes are also cause by the earths plates.

2.5. tornadoes

2.5.1. these are caused by the atmosphere too.

2.5.2. these happen when the hot air and the cold air mix.

3. Italy

3.1. Landslides

3.2. Earthquake

3.2.1. Small Earthquakes are called tremors Earthquakes are caused by plates of the earth crashing together.

4. Portugal

5. Japan

5.1. Earthquakes

5.2. Volcanoes

5.3. Cyclones

6. Indonesia

6.1. volcanoes

6.2. tsunami

7. Indonesia

7.1. Earthquakes

7.1.1. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates underneath the earth rubbing against eachother. Causing friction making an earthquake.

7.2. Volcanos

7.2.1. Volcanoes erupt when magma hits against the earths crust, forming a crack. then magma pours out of the crack as lava. Destroying thousands.

7.3. Tsunami

8. Turkey

8.1. Drought

8.1.1. Where there is No water left for any-one

8.2. Earthquake