Teachers as Bloggers

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Teachers as Bloggers por Mind Map: Teachers as Bloggers

1. Writing styles

2. Brand / blog loyalty

3. Audience & objectives

3.1. Who are you blogging for?

3.2. Why are you blogging?

3.2.1. What do you want people to think?

3.2.2. What do you want them to do?

3.3. Staff working in/advising in schools

3.4. Can you create an audience?

3.5. Readers are people, not institutions

4. 4 Golden rules

4.1. Tags

4.1.1. Use enough tags to be meaningful

4.1.2. Use categories for focus

4.2. Attract viewers

4.2.1. Key words & phrases

4.2.2. Newsworthy

4.2.3. Time of day

4.2.4. Word of email RSS feeds Links with other blogs Web services

4.2.5. Interesting content - bring them back

4.2.6. Comment on other blogs, and link to yours

4.3. Search

4.3.1. What would you type into the search box

4.3.2. What's closely related?

4.3.3. Identify readers' language: cf USB drives

4.4. Search engine optimisation

4.4.1. Think like your reader

4.4.2. Make the post title work 60 - 70 characters Key searech term at beginning

4.4.3. Use target key words/phrases Use 3 times in post Constant updates

4.4.4. Get links back to your site

5. Practical tools

5.1. Windows Live Writer

5.2. SkyDrive

5.3. Statcounter

5.4. hosting images/videos - Flickr/Vimeo to embed into Blog

6. Brand

6.1. Positive interactions

6.2. Negative interactions

6.3. Be consistent

6.4. Make it yours - don't just repeat other people

7. Blogging codes

7.1. Rules

7.1.1. Write as an individual, to an individual

7.1.2. Express an opinion

7.1.3. Be convincing

8. Dealing with issues

8.1. Prevent

8.2. Respond

8.3. Ignore

8.4. Ensure school is aware of blog (if writing about school)