HSSD Becoming an iEducator
by Jesse Wiltzius
1. 2. Storage and Distribution Strategies
1.1. Google Drive
1.2. Mr. Wiltzius's Website
1.3. Edmodo
1.4. Symbaloo
1.5. Drop Box
1.6. Pogoplug
1.7. Sound Cloud
2. 1. Outreach Strategies
2.1. Mr. Wiltzius's Google Website
2.2. Weebly
2.3. Symbaloo
2.3.1. Resource Web Tiles
2.3.2. Presentation Tiles
2.3.3. Pic Slice
2.4. Edcanvas
3. 9. Presentation Strategies
3.1. SlideRocket
3.2. Prezi
3.3. Mindmeister
3.4. PhotoStory
3.5. Glogster
3.6. Knovio
3.7. Weebly
3.8. Smore
4. 10. The Connected Educator
4.1. Mr. Wiltzius's Google Site
4.2. Power Teacher
4.3. Ed Shelf
4.4. Common Curriculum
5. 7. Video Strategies
5.1. YouTube
5.2. Google Videos
5.3. Discovery Education
5.4. Brain Pop
5.5. Movie Maker
5.6. iMovie
5.7. Screen Cast o Matic
5.8. Flocabulary
5.9. aTube
5.10. Jumper Cable
5.11. PopCorn Maker
5.12. Go Animate
5.13. Vialogues
5.14. Pic Slice
6. 8. Content Strategies
6.1. Socrative
6.2. Mastery Connect
6.3. Mindmeister
6.4. Thinglink
6.5. Sound Cloud
6.6. Smore
6.7. Edcanvas
7. 6. Mobile Strategies
7.1. Remind 101
7.2. Socrative
7.3. QR Codes
7.4. Infused Learning
7.5. Smore
8. 5. Collaboration Strategies
8.1. Remind101
8.2. Mr. Wiltzius's Website
8.3. Edmodo
8.4. Google Drive
8.5. Cover It Live
8.6. Mastery Connect
8.7. Google Forms
8.8. Flubaroo
8.9. Slide Rocket
8.10. PhotoStory
8.11. Intel Tools
8.12. Padlet
9. 3. Assessment Strategies
9.1. Socrative
9.2. Google Forms
9.2.1. Flubaroo
9.3. Infuse Learning
9.4. Mastery Connect
9.4.1. Bubble Score
10. 4. Teaching and Learning Strategies
10.1. Google Forms
10.1.1. Flubaroo