1. Pedagogy - learning theory
1.1. Scientific method- objective, linear, rational thinking
1.2. Rationialism (logic) ----Empiricism (use evidence)
1.3. Metaphysics - Is it real
1.4. Epistemology - What is true
1.5. Axiology - what is good, morality and ethics
2. Assessment - evidence of understanding
2.1. Quantitative emphasis
2.2. Independent and Dependent variables
3. Curriculum - content
3.1. History and Holidays - eurocentric based on progress and future orientation
3.2. delayed gratification
3.3. Hard Fun vs Hard work
4. Language is Power
4.1. Media - Broadcast socializing agent
4.2. Impersonal communication directed at a vast audience with images
5. Social- norms of society
5.1. Culture
5.1.1. values, attitudes, beliefs passed down by generations, binding people together
5.1.2. ethnicity - understand group's differences Heuristics -rule of thumb (generalizations & stereotypes
5.1.3. American culture Collectivisim -cooperation of a group takes priority over personal goals Individualism - personal goals and preferences take priority over group allegiances Protestant work ethic, competition, action orientation drive to control nature, must do something re - situations utilitarian view of life decision making, democratic
5.1.4. Socialization - lifelong social experiences, learn role in society and culture
5.1.5. Dualistic thinking - status, power, title, possessions, credentials, positions
5.2. Different Agents
5.2.1. family, school confront diversity, racial clustering, hidden curriculums, informal cover lessons peer groups -govern short term goals parents retain influence over long term goals