Spiritual Gifts Management Platform
by Will Platnick
1. User Types
1.1. End User
1.2. Administrator
1.3. Ministry Leader
2. Administrator
2.1. Test Results Import
2.1.1. Useful for congregation wide spiritual gifts days
2.1.2. Custom Excel Spreadsheet
2.2. Ministry Management
2.2.1. Create Ministry
2.2.2. Assign Spiritual Gifts to Ministry
2.2.3. Assign Ministry Leaders to Ministry
2.3. Invite Users
2.3.1. Name
2.3.2. Phone Numbers (Optional)
2.3.3. Email
2.4. Create/Invite Ministry Leader
2.4.1. Name
2.4.2. Phone Numbers (Optional)
2.4.3. Email
3. End User
3.1. Testing Entry Points
3.1.1. Email Invitation
3.1.2. Web/Mobile - Church Code
3.1.3. SMS Invitation?
4. Ministry Leader
4.1. View Report of Matched Users
4.2. Email Matched Users
4.3. Change Personal Information (Phone, Email)
5. Staff
5.1. Product Manager: Will
5.2. Design: ?
5.3. Programmer: ?
5.4. Programmer: ?
5.5. 1/2 Programmer: Will
6. Marketing
6.1. Video for Pastors/Leaders
6.2. Video for End Users
6.3. Product Name?
7. Spiritual Gifts Discovery
7.1. Different Denominations Have Different Views on Spiritual Gifts and Thus Have Different Testing Need
7.1.1. How many different tests are there?
7.1.2. How difficult will it be to obtain permission to use them?
7.1.3. Are we going to need to be a non-profit or somehow get LC involved to "woo" the creators of these tests?
7.1.4. Do we make our own tests?
7.1.5. Do we allow users to make their own tests?