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Formal methods by Mind Map: Formal methods

1. 3. Against

1.1. Low adoption

1.2. Transporation

1.2.1. Train

1.2.2. Stranded passengers for 1.5 hours

2. 1. Introduction

2.1. Mathematically based

2.1.1. specification

2.1.2. development

2.1.3. verification

3. 4. Conclusion

4. Info

4.1. Woodcock et al

4.1.1. Overall Mathematical techniques supported by developing software and hardware allows for verification of models Applicable to life-cycle

5. 2. For

5.1. used in other engineering disciplines

5.2. increases reliability and robustness

5.3. FM less challenging than 10 years ago

5.4. Tools

5.5. Used by

5.5.1. IBM

5.5.2. DoD UK

5.5.3. Transportation, defence, financial

5.6. Reduce development costs

5.7. increase consistency

5.8. increase correctness

5.9. implementation correctness