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1. Open Innovatin

1.1. Outside help

1.2. Expand firm boundaries

1.3. Capitalise on 'false negatives'

1.4. IBM; Wikipedia; Google

2. Open Source Software

2.1. Incentives to innovate

2.2. Sharing

2.3. Google

2.3.1. Open handset allicance

3. Additive Manuf. (3D Printing)

3.1. Materials:

3.1.1. Sandstone

3.1.2. Plastic

3.1.3. Glass

3.1.4. Metal

3.2. On-demand production

3.3. Cost decreasing, 2015 comparative to 10K - 100K items

4. Global Innovation Strategies

4.1. "Borne Globals"

4.1.1. Virtual

4.1.2. Small

4.1.3. High use comm techs.

4.1.4. Skype; Infosys

4.2. Sys Integration

4.2.1. Strategies & resources

4.2.2. Arbitrage

4.2.3. Networks

5. Collaborative Production

6. Idea - Prototype - Commercialisation

6.1. May be cyclical e.g. iPhone

7. Idea adoption

7.1. Stgae 1: Impossible!

7.2. Stage 2: Not worth doing

7.3. Stage 3: Told you it was good!

8. Closed Innovatin

8.1. Develop, prototype, commercialise in-house

8.2. R&D Strat asset

8.3. Risks;

8.3.1. Market uncertainty

8.3.2. Tech uncertainty