10 Commandments Of Recruiting That Mercilessly Crushes The Competition

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10 Commandments Of Recruiting That Mercilessly Crushes The Competition Door Mind Map: 10 Commandments Of   Recruiting That Mercilessly Crushes The Competition

1. Results Of Doing The 10 Commandments

1.1. 15 to 20 Experienced agents in 6 months from this stuff

2. How to contact Judy & Kathy

2.1. phone 630.402.0898

2.2. email: [email protected]

3. How to setup a recruiting website

3.1. www.Zannee.com

4. #1 - Listen More Than You Speak

4.1. Most brokers think of an interview this as a sales presentation

4.2. Call it a "career evaluation" or "career consultation"

4.3. Couple example questions

4.3.1. Rule of thirds 1/3 - easy questions to answer 2/3 - probing questions - cause them some pain - make them "wiggle" a little bit What kind of marketing support are you getting from your current company? Who's currently helping you with your business plan? How many leads are you getting from your company each month? 3/3 - thought provoking questions If you were to make a move today, what would you need to hear from me? What questions do you need answered before you make a decision?

4.4. Identify behavior patterns

4.4.1. If emotional Typically 80% of agents 70% expressive 10% amiable After asking marketing question ask: How does this make you feel?

4.4.2. If logical Typically 20% of agents What is not having this collateral costing you? What is it costing you in time? What is it costing you in transactions?

4.5. Identify behavior styles

4.6. Get before you give

4.6.1. You wouldn't show a buyer every house in the MLS

4.6.2. Don't give a presentation until you get the details you need to present to them

5. #2 - Make Your Phone Calls

5.1. More than 1 per day

5.2. Hardest thing to do

5.2.1. easy to put off

5.3. Greatest income producing task

5.4. Important to understand the value of each agent (in profit)

5.4.1. For example: if agent worth $12,000 per year

5.4.2. NAR says agent will be with you for avg 5 to 6 years

5.4.3. Total value = $72,000

5.4.4. That's like a million dollar listing appointment!

5.5. Set aside time each day

5.5.1. Everyday at 9:30 for example

5.6. 1 of Judy & Kathy's students got 14 new agents in 30 days

5.6.1. (he had been working on the agents for 12 months to do this)

5.7. Understand the purpose of your calls

5.7.1. It is NOT to get an appointment

5.7.2. It IS ABOUT building a relationship and learning if the agent is in the right place right now

5.7.3. Judy & Kathy have a book of scripts you can use.

6. #3 - Qualify Your Hitlist

6.1. Large group of agents that you would like to do business with at some point in the future

6.2. Constantly evolving and changing

6.3. Purchase Terradatum to get all of "Goodies" on your recruits

6.4. Make sure it's large enough

6.4.1. Between 100 to 300 is typical size

6.5. Do they fit your company culture?

6.6. By production

6.6.1. E.G. $2 Million / year in volume

6.7. Think like a Realtor

6.7.1. Is a buyer qualified to buy?

6.7.2. Is this a person I want to work with?

7. #4 - It's All About THEM!

7.1. What are their dreams?

7.2. What are their frustrations?

7.3. Make your goal:

7.3.1. To help the agent find out if your company is the best choice for the agent. Not to recruit the agent. To help them make the best decision for them.

7.3.2. Ironically enough - when you say your not the right fit for your company... Agents will want you more.

8. #5 - Know Your Stats

8.1. Your market share

8.2. Per agent productivity

8.3. Your systems/products

8.4. AND the RESULTS from your systems

8.5. "Because I have this, this, this, and this... our per agent productivity is this"

8.6. How many walk-ins per month?

8.7. How many leads handed out per month? (or year to date)

9. #6 - Know Your Competition

9.1. What is the agent departation policy?

9.2. 10 to 15 minutes before the interview

9.2.1. Review their competition's #'s

9.3. What kind of front-desk support do they have?

9.4. What do they have for support?

9.5. What do they have for training?

9.6. What do they have for leads?

9.6.1. Do they charge for those leads?

9.6.2. How many leads did your company generate and how many leads did they give you?

10. #7 - It's A Process, Not An End Result

10.1. Take a deep breath... and relax... just focus on the process

10.2. Implement 1 system it at a time

10.3. Start small

10.4. Consistent action over a period of time = CRITICAL to massive success

11. #8 - Marketing Consistently

11.1. Minimum 1x per month

11.2. If only email not good enough, easy to delete

11.3. Market directly to the agents home

11.4. Specific

11.4.1. Unique Compelling

11.5. Postcards

11.6. Emails

11.7. Phone calls

11.8. Personal notes

11.9. Brochures

11.10. Recruiting Website

11.10.1. can't just hide behind it and wait for recruits to come in

11.10.2. Signatures at end of email promote agents joining the office with link to recruiting website

12. #9 - Become A Master Closer

12.1. A master closer makes someone feel good about making the decision that they already want to make

12.2. You have to ASK them to join

12.3. Don't become a wimp at the end of an interview

12.4. Hold out your hand at the end and say "It's going to be a pleasure working with you"

12.4.1. If they reach out and shake your hand, pull out the closing papers!

12.4.2. If they ask, "how am I going to get my listings over?" That's an assumptive close

13. #10 - The Final Commandment (Summary Of Everything)

13.1. Step 1 - Develop your recruiting mindset

13.1.1. It's all about them

13.1.2. It's a consulting session

13.2. Step 2 - Qualify your hitlist

13.3. Step 3 - Identify company strengths and competitor weaknessess

13.4. Step 4 - Implement consistent marketing based on strengths/weaknesses

13.5. Step 5 - Begin making phone calls

13.6. Step 6 - Set 3 interviews per week

13.7. Step 7 - Recruit agent!

13.8. Step 8 - Hire Judy LaDeur & Kathy Baker :-)

13.8.1. Phone: 630.402.0898

13.8.2. Email: [email protected]

13.9. Step 9 - Implement A Zannee.com Recruiting Website