Reinventing Visual Thinking Tools with Generative AI Resource mindmap

The key kinks and resources shared during my presentation in Biggerplate Connect about Generative AI and Visual Thinking Tools

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Reinventing Visual Thinking Tools with Generative AI Resource mindmap by Mind Map: Reinventing Visual  Thinking Tools with Generative AI Resource mindmap

1. Book

1.1. Mind Mapping and Artificial Intelligence

2. Conclusions

2.1. The AI Gap

2.2. Generative AI and Intellectual Property

2.3. A tsunami of new tools

3. Different visual tools that incorporate Generative AI

3.1. Mind Mapping

3.1.1. XMind Copilot

3.1.2. GitMind

3.2. Presentations

3.2.1. Copilot in Microsoft Powerpoint

3.2.2. Canva Magic Design

3.3. Collaboration Whiteboards

3.3.1. FreeHand AI

3.4. Design Platforms

3.4.1. Adobe Firefly

3.4.2. Canva Magic Design

4. Who am I?

4.1. Linkedin

4.2. Blog

5. Main Generative AI Tools

5.1. Chat GPT

5.2. Google Bard

5.3. Image Creators

5.3.1. Midjourney

5.3.2. Dall-E

5.3.3. Lexica

6. The AI Hype

6.1. Pope Francis fake picture

6.2. The "AI Pause" Open Letter

6.3. Chat GPT reached 1 Million Users in only 5 days