art of digital

Real time presentation for ACE

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art of digital создатель Mind Map: art of digital

1. technology

1.1. AVid

1.2. oracle

1.3. mobiles

1.4. distributed

2. collective intelligence

2.1. negraponte

2.1.1. Being Digital

2.2. neuromancer

2.2.1. cyberspace

2.3. Crtiical Art Ensemble

2.3.1. the data body the electronic disturbance

2.4. Hive utopia

2.5. artificai intelligence

2.6. syndicate/Spectre

3. Non Linear History

3.1. Twittering since I was 5

3.1.1. Syndicate

3.2. Languages

3.2.1. "personalisaiton agenda"

3.3. digital storytelling

3.4. Games

3.5. Ineraction

3.6. Net Art

4. Why we must engage with this agenda & already are

4.1. Curisosity

4.2. Speed

4.3. Literacy

5. Distribution

5.1. Re-diffusion

5.1.1. Broadcasting becomes Narrowcasting

5.1.2. niche distribution

5.2. broad band britain

5.3. Ofcom

5.4. state radio information

6. Relational

6.1. philosophy

6.1.1. truth

6.2. audiences

6.2.1. Evidence

6.2.2. Data

6.2.3. Anecdote

6.3. producers

6.3.1. opportunity

6.3.2. diversity

6.3.3. fresh

6.3.4. user generated

6.4. Un-following

7. Learning Lab 1: Gobal

7.1. Conceptual Discussions

7.1.1. Digital Infrastructure & Sustainability

7.1.2. Digital Archiving: TBD

7.2. Project-based Workshops

7.2.1. Sustainable Digital Practices

7.2.2. Cloud Computing: Storage 2.0

8. Time and Space

8.1. economy

8.2. North West

8.2.1. Media City UK

8.3. Rurality

9. Learning Lab 3: (Un)Organisational

9.1. Conceptual Discussions

9.1.1. Unwiring your Organisation

9.1.2. Online Arts Marketing

9.2. Project-based Workshops

9.2.1. Hacking Working Practices

9.2.2. Problem Swapping Ghana Think Tank

10. We are the Real Time Experiment - do not despair

10.1. multiple

10.1.1. ids

10.1.2. realities

10.1.3. space

10.2. consciousness

11. The Prize !!!!

11.1. Spotify

12. New X artform Friends

13. Ethical debate & Social Impact

13.1. multitasking or ADT

13.2. Social Networking causing Cancer?

13.3. Dr Susan Greenfield

13.3.1. lets re-wire kids minds

13.4. data- mining

14. Tools & Conduits

14.1. Online

14.1.1. FACT TV

14.1.2. Creative Spaces


14.1.4. TATE Online

14.1.5. folly

14.2. Storage

14.2.1. Cloud Computing

14.2.2. Treasure My Texts

14.3. Social Media

14.3.1. Facebook

14.3.2. Twitter

14.3.3. Bebo

15. Connectivity

15.1. New Audience Relationships

15.1.1. Obama's Wired Presidency Reboots Democracy

15.1.2. Pope Launches YouTube Channel

15.1.3. FACT TV turns FACT inside- out Simon Reynolds Lecture reaches 3 fold it's initial audience

15.1.4. Jade BB

15.1.5. keep music Live !

15.2. Digital Britain Interim Report

15.3. Global Effieciency

15.3.1. Alpine Rescue plays out on Twitter

15.4. x platform

16. Collaboration sustainability democracy

16.1. people doing it for themselves

16.1.1. isnt this what we wanted ? end of marketing

16.2. re-inventing civilisation

16.3. Currency

16.3.1. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships KTPs Culture Campus

16.3.2. harnessing power of online communities

16.3.3. collaborative cultural product DIWO Open Source Embroidery

16.3.4. cross disciplinary engagement http: gallery

17. New Art - beyond genre & paradigms

17.1. interdiscipliary

17.2. locative

17.3. virtuality

17.4. futurism/dada/fluxus/paik

17.5. Sonic Streams FACT

18. Learning Lab 2: Cultural

18.1. Conceptual Discussions

18.1.1. Open Source & the Future of Ideas

18.1.2. How Real People use the Internet

18.2. Project-based Workshops

18.2.1. New Mobile Platforms

18.2.2. The Power of Online Communities

19. Learning Lab 4: Personal

19.1. Conceptual Discussions

19.1.1. Identity 2.0

19.1.2. Audience 2.0

19.2. Project-based Workshops

19.2.1. New Social Media

19.2.2. TV 2.0

20. The Universe got closer

20.1. paddington bear

20.1.1. darkest africa

20.2. amstrad

21. people

21.1. artists

21.2. technologists

21.3. embed skills

21.4. partnerships

22. Climate for change

22.1. Ghana Think Tank FACT

23. chance