June 12: Nate Shots

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June 12: Nate Shots by Mind Map: June 12: Nate Shots

1. Green Scrn Student Hosts (separate page)

1.1. "Let's take a look at the classes trying out some of the choices..."

1.2. [NO dialogue/VO] Shots of them in the pensive longing, reminiscing, pointing to things, nodding.

1.3. We watched the old graduation videos and talk about what we want to do to show how it feels to graduate, and make something no one has ever seen before...

1.4. "This year, we are here to take you behind the scenes, welcome to show you..."

1.4.1. [Kid 1] Just the way it's made'...

1.4.2. [Kid 2] "JUST THE WAY THEY ARE..."

1.4.3. [Kid 3] 'Just the way we do it?'

1.4.4. [Kid 4] 'Just...let's go...'

1.5. "It all starts with a theme: Just the way you are..."

1.6. "And special effects..."

1.6.1. "We like to shrink..."

1.6.2. "disappear..."

1.6.3. "we usually like to go into the past or the future..."

1.6.4. "It shows the magic of being at TAOTS"

1.7. "With every graduation video, people always ask..."

1.7.1. "Where did THAT idea come from?"

1.7.2. "How does this happen?"

2. Green Screen Stunts

2.1. Kids riding on cars (full body)

2.2. Kids on marbles (full body - balancing on one foot, arms out, excited)

2.3. Kids falling through the air/landing in cars (full body - launching, falling/floating, landing)

2.4. Barry white green screen Wolf

2.4.1. turning both ways

2.4.2. held on a green stick(?) so it can float above the drone shot of the school building.

3. If extra time... different kids, just in the hall... Students: What does the chain reaction mean to you?

3.1. What have been the chain reactions in your life at TAOTS that have made you just the way you are?

3.2. What did you learn about that got you interested in Chain Reactions?

3.3. Chain reactions make you who you are:

3.4. Picking up memories and friendships over the years, knowledge, challenges, skills...

3.5. What did you learn about that got you interested in Rube Goldberg?