A Perspective on the Grand Canyon Gap between People & Technology

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A Perspective on the Grand Canyon Gap between People & Technology by Mind Map: A Perspective on  the Grand Canyon Gap between People & Technology

1. Solutions

1.1. Training programs

1.2. Consultants & Coaches

1.3. Contractors & Service Providers

2. Users/Clients

2.1. NEWBIES: Beginners, not technically inclined, easily over-whelmed

2.2. WANNABES: Willing to learn, but "don't know what they don't know," time and/or resource challenged

2.3. HOBBYISTS: Do-it-yourselfers, passionate learners, frequently "just dabbling," lacking focused business goals but having fun (and perhaps dreaming of "grand success")

2.4. BUSINESS SAVVY: Focused on results. Smart enough not to waste time trying to do everything themselves

2.5. GEEKS & EXPERTS: Professionals with established expertise & "know how."