Crop production and management

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Crop production and management by Mind Map: Crop production and management

1. Types of crops

1.1. Kharif Crop

1.1.1. June to September

1.1.2. example - wheat

1.2. Rabi Crop

1.2.1. October to March

1.2.2. example - paddy (rice)

2. Agriculture implements

2.1. Plough

2.2. Hoe

2.3. Cultivators

2.4. Seed drives

3. Agricultural practices

3.1. 1. Preparation of soil

3.1.1. Levelling the land

3.1.2. Tilling / ploughing the land

3.2. 2. Sowing

3.2.1. Traditional tools

3.2.2. Seed drills

3.2.3. Manual sowing

3.3. 3. Adding Manure and fertilisers

3.4. 4. Irrigation

3.4.1. Morden methods

3.4.2. Traditional methods

3.5. 5. Removing weeds

3.5.1. Protecting crops

3.6. 6. Harvesting

3.6.1. Cutting

3.6.2. Threshing

3.6.3. Winnowing

3.7. 7. Storage of crops

3.7.1. Silos

3.7.2. Granaries