Business Plan Template

Template for building a business plan

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Business Plan Template por Mind Map: Business Plan Template

1. Marketing

1.1. The Market

1.2. Customer Profile

1.3. Strategy

1.4. Key factors influencing market

1.5. Pricing Policy

1.6. Competition

1.7. Advertising & Promotion

1.8. Sales & Distribution

2. Industry Analysis

2.1. Overview

2.2. Industry Characteristics

2.3. Trends

2.4. Price Sensitivity

3. Financial Information

3.1. Current Position

3.2. Income & Expenditure Projection

3.3. Profit & Loss

3.4. Balance Sheet

3.5. Cash flow Forecast

3.6. Breakeven Analysis

4. Appendices

4.1. Articles

4.2. Resume of key staff

4.3. Patents/Trademarks

4.4. Supporting Documents

5. Executive Summary

6. The Business

6.1. Mission Statement

6.2. The Company

6.3. Main Activities, Location & Facilities

6.4. Unique Features

6.5. Key Management and Staffing

6.6. Advisers

6.7. Past & Present Performance

6.8. Business Relationships

7. Products & Services

7.1. Description

7.2. Competitive Analysis

7.3. Opportunities/Future Developments

7.4. Threats

7.5. Projections/Objectives

8. Manufacturing, Production, Operations

8.1. The Process/Operations

8.2. Quality Control

8.3. Strengths/Limitations

8.4. Expansion

8.5. Capacity

8.6. Equipment Requirements

8.7. Material Requirements

8.8. Human Resources