To what extent is a stable family vital for a successful society?

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To what extent is a stable family vital for a successful society? by Mind Map: To what extent is a stable family vital for a successful society?

1. Norway with its good leadership has attained a successful society in terms of quality of life and standard of living of the people there. The government knows how to make use of the natural resources,eg timber and oil, by setting a profit cap to petroleum producers to ensure that some of the money earned goes to the Norwegians.

2. What is this? A poiunt? Part of the introduction? Who own sthis node?

3. A successful society can be established through high standards of livings brought about by economic progress.

4. -a successful society can provide people with high standard of living. the standard of living is generally measured by the income per person. since stable family doesn't affect the standard of living thus it's not vital for a successful society.

5. Opposing argument 1 (jian nan)

5.1. -a successful society can provide people with high standard of living. the standard of living is generally measured by the income per person. since stable family doesn't affect the standard of living thus it's not vital for a successful society.

5.2. singapore-people in singapore have high standard of living.the stable government contribute this instead of stable family,thus stable family didn't contribute to the success of singapore,thus stable family is not vital for asuccessful society.

5.3. -a successful society can provide people with high standard of living. the standard of living is generally measured by the income per person. since stable family doesn't affect the standard of living thus it's not vital for a successful society.

5.4. The reasoning seems logical, Jian Nan but the premise is faulty. The family is the basic unit in society. How is ti possible to claim that it is not vital if the govt can provide stability without any role from the family. The family unit was very strong in Singapore at the start of independence.A definition of 'stable family' would have helped.

6. Opposing argument 2(shawn)

6.1. Even without a stable family, good governance or leadership can still lead to the success of the society to thrive in all aspects.

6.1.1. Teacher's comments

6.2. Shawn, you need an eg of a society where the family is unstable but the society is doing well. I don't think Norway is an example of such a society. The family is alive and well in that society.

6.2.1. -A good government is able to motivate the people and setting goals that are for the good of the society. -Knows how to allocate resources effectively to bring about further growth and improvement in the society. -Knows to take into account the citizens' welfare that is important for the success of the society. -There might be stable family but not a stable government New node

7. New node

8. Many celebrity often mention about their family when they receive rewards for their achievements, President Barack Obama it is reported Singaporean still turn to family first for support

9. A stable family provides emotional support and motivation for each individual in the suciety to perform to their utmost potential.

10. Supporting point 2(Wang Lin)

10.1. Stable families are essential in children's character building which inturn ensures future success in society.

10.2. Studies have shown that children have a high tendency of following what their parents do unconsciously

10.2.1. Good point raised and discussed, Wang Lin.

10.3. Moreover, today's children will become the backbone of society in future, which means their actions will determine the future of our society. If they have psychological problems due to their unstable families, how can we depend on them for a brighter future? Thus, a stable family is vital for a successful society.

10.4. For example, children who were abused by their parents in their childhood have a high tendency of abusing their children in the future.

10.5. Thus, children from unstable families are easier to be connected to actions like violence and abuse. This wil hinder future success in society.

11. However, a stable family provides emotional support and motivation for each individual in the society to perform to their utmost potential. This is vital for the success of a society.

12. Definition of 'stable family needed' An awareness of the function of the family would have been helpful here. I don't see the sign-posting.

13. The controversial debate of whether a stable family is vital for a successful society has long been discussed.

13.1. The definition of a successful society in this context refers to the general welfare, including standard of living and quality of life, of its citizens.

13.1.1. Moreover, a stable family is essential for a child's character building ,which in turn ensures future success in society as the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow.

14. Good governance is also a vital factor in ensuring a successful society. A strong stable government which caters to the needs of its citizens is the key fundamental for a successful society. In this case, a stable family is not required for this establishment.

15. Good point and a good general example. Your example of Obama is a bit vague though, It would have been better to talk about the familial support he had growing up. Nevertheless a good case presented for your point, Siwei

16. Supporting argument 1(siwei)

16.1. -In today’s fast-pace and competitive society, people are challenged by more stress and cases of emotional breakdown or even suicide have increased drastically. -A stable family can backup them and empower them to continue to work hard and live happily. - hence the progress of society will be less affected and people’s happiness in the society is not sacrificed. - family’s expectation as well as common goals of a higher living standard and quality for the family can inspire people to strive in their studies and career. -hence the society can be productive.

16.1.1. New node

16.1.2. New node

16.1.3. In conclusion,I feel that stable families are vital for a successful society as even with economic success and wealth, a society can only achieve a high standard of living but the quality of life of its citizens will suffer. A successful society can only be successful if there is familial happiness and success, without it, such a society is no different from a corporate establishment. Hence, I believe that a society is only its strongest as its weakest link, a successful society must be one which achieves all-rounded success in both family and economic progress. Well-put, Nicholas.

17. Introduction/Thesis statement (nicholas)

18. Conclusion (nicholas)