What Can You Invest In The U.S.?

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What Can You Invest In The U.S.? により Mind Map: What Can You Invest In The U.S.?

1. Cash Equivalent

1.1. Cash

1.2. Checking Account

1.3. Savings Account

1.4. Certificate of Deposit (CD)

2. Equity

2.1. Public Traded Equity

2.2. Privately Traded Equity

3. Debt

3.1. Public Debt

3.1.1. Government Bond Sovereign Bond Municipal Bond Agency Bond

3.1.2. Corporate Bond

3.2. Private Debt

3.2.1. Personal Loan

3.2.2. Business Loan

4. Commodity

5. Currency

6. Real Estate

6.1. Equity

6.2. Loan

6.2.1. Short-term debt

7. Digital Assets

7.1. Crypto savings

8. Mutual Fund

9. Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

10. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

10.1. Public REITs

10.1.1. Public Traded REITs

10.1.2. Public Non-Traded REITs

10.2. Private REITs

11. Derivative

12. Angel Investing

13. Venture Capital

14. Private Equity

15. Hedge fund

16. Life insurance

16.1. Whole Life

16.2. Universal Life

16.2.1. Current Assumption Universal Life

16.2.2. Indexed Universal Life

16.2.3. Variable Universal Life

17. Annuity

17.1. Immediate Annuity

17.2. Deferred Annuity

17.3. Indexed Annuity

17.4. Variable Annuity