Christ-Centered Ecclesia in Pinellas

This is an initial brainstorming for letting this ecclesia grow into something good.

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Christ-Centered Ecclesia in Pinellas by Mind Map: Christ-Centered Ecclesia in Pinellas

1. Leadership

1.1. Joe

1.2. Josh

1.3. Chris

1.4. Jon

1.5. Bruce

2. Praxis

2.1. Community

2.2. Prayer

2.3. Teaching

2.4. Music

2.5. Media

3. Dreams/Vision

3.1. Breathing with the community

3.1.1. Rhetorical Films (Jon's NFP) Production Company

3.1.2. A place for the culinary arts see

3.1.3. Organic Community Garden see

3.1.4. Gift Shop (used music, books, art, trinkets)

3.1.5. Wholistic Medicine

4. Mission/Service

5. New node

6. For the Newbies!

6.1. Key shortcuts

6.1.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.1.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.1.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.1.4. DEL to delete

6.2. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas

6.3. you can paste links:

7. Theology/Philosophy

8. Events

8.1. SE Emergent Conference

8.1.1. Shaine Claiborne

8.1.2. Frank Viola

9. New node