Close ties on Turkish issues

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Close ties on Turkish issues by Mind Map: Close ties on Turkish issues

1. Amb. Nambi Sensoy

2. Institute of Turkish Studies

3. Saltzman & Evinch

3.1. Gunay Evinch

4. Government of Turkey

4.1. DLA Piper

4.1.1. Dick Armey

4.1.2. Dick Gephardt

4.2. Dickstein Shapiro

4.2.1. Dennis Hastert

4.3. Livingston Group

4.3.1. Lydia Borland

4.3.2. Bob Livingston

5. US defense contracts

6. Black Hawk Security

7. American Turkish Council

7.1. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon

8. Lincoln McCurdy


8.2. Turkish Coalition of America

8.2.1. Turkish American Legal Defense Fund Bruce Fein David Saltzman

8.2.2. Turkish Cultural Foundation

9. Assembly of Turkish American Assns

10. Dr. Yalcin Ayasli

10.1. Hittite Microwave