Character Chart

I have made this Character Chart for anyone in need for one. I find it very useful to see everything about my character, even if I won't write everything in my chart.

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Character Chart by Mind Map: Character Chart

1. Basic Character Information

1.1. Character's role

1.2. Full name

1.3. Nicknames

1.4. Gender

1.5. Ethnicity

1.6. Age

1.7. Distinct Feature

1.8. Occupations

2. In depth Character Information

2.1. Affliations

2.2. Motivations

2.3. Goals

2.4. Fears

2.5. Dislikes

2.6. Skills

2.7. Hobbies

2.8. Habits

3. Background

3.1. Hometown

3.2. Distant Past

3.3. Near Past

3.4. Current Time

3.5. Life Changing Event

4. Personality

4.1. General

4.2. With friends

4.3. With buisness

4.4. With enemies

5. Relationships

5.1. Friends

5.2. Family

5.3. Co-worker/classmate

6. Trivia

6.1. Favourite food

6.2. Favourite Colour

6.3. Best quote

7. Appearance

7.1. General Appearance

7.2. Normal Clothing

7.3. Height

7.4. Hair colour

7.5. Eye colour