Changes in China's population

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Changes in China's population by Mind Map: Changes in China's population

1. Famine in 1962 caused 30 million deaths

1.1. Lack of food resources

2. Prevention of 250-300 million births

2.1. Decreased population size

3. Prevention of population explosion that China would have difficulty supporting

3.1. Better distribution of resources among the population

3.2. Higher standard of living for the average person

3.3. Positive Social Impact

4. Greater dependency ratio

4.1. Fewer people available to support the elderly

4.2. More resources needed, such as machines to take over the roles of humans (e.g. medicine sorting machine, for the old people's medications)

4.3. More money spent on caring for the dependent population

4.4. Negative Socio-Economic Impact

5. Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward - attention paid to industries and not agriculture

6. Gender imbalance

6.1. In 2009, 32 million more males than females under 20

6.2. High number of gender-based abortions, usually of female infants, due to the culture in China where males are more valued than females, as they can carry on the family name.

6.3. Negative Social and Cultural Impact

7. Possible sudden population decrease in the near future

7.1. Less women available to reproduce

8. Many men are unable to find wives

8.1. More crimes against women

8.1.1. Kidnapping

8.1.2. Rape z

8.1.3. Trafficking of girls to be sold as wives

8.2. Crime rates increase as men cannot settle down and have families

8.2.1. Reduced public safety

9. One-child policy

9.1. Defense

9.1.1. Lack of manpower in the armed forces

9.2. Environment

9.2.1. Fewer resources are needed to sustain the population, thus the pressure placed on the environment is less.

9.2.2. Possible decrease in problems such as deforestation and desertification

9.3. Discontent Population

9.3.1. People are unhappy that they are forced to comply with government regulations they might not agree with. (They may consider it a suppression of human rights) Changes made to the policies, such as the relaxation of the one-child policy for rural areas and ethnic minorities.