Course Design on Microblogging Platform

This is an attemp t describe LS for a large course, first year students at Psychology, studying web 2.0 in social sciences

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Course Design on Microblogging Platform by Mind Map: Course Design on Microblogging Platform

1. MANAGE Course

1.1. ADMIN course

1.2. Course Guidelines

2. New node

3. Communication

3.1. Collaboration - private groups for collaborative projects

3.2. Social Networking / RSS feeds

3.3. Interactive communication in course group: multimedia messages, live video, lifestreaming, SMS, mobile devices, email etc.

4. CoP: Communities of Practice

4.1. Sharing

4.2. Learning Scenarios group on cirip

5. Icebreaking activity

6. Course TOPICS

6.1. Topic 1

6.2. Topic 2

6.3. ... Topic 14

7. Evaluation

7.1. ePortofolios

7.2. collaborative projects

7.3. PLE

7.4. PLN

7.5. back-channel