Faculty Development

What does existing literature say about models for faculty development in higher education?

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Faculty Development by Mind Map: Faculty Development

1. Key Researchers

1.1. Gaff

1.1.1. History of Faculty Development

1.2. Berquist & Phillips

1.2.1. Handbook for Faculty Development

1.3. Murray

1.4. Centra

1.5. Guskey

1.6. Sorcinelli

2. Delivery of PD

2.1. Seminar

2.2. Workshop

2.3. Course

2.4. Community

2.5. Training

2.6. Informal

2.7. External/Consultants

3. Methodologies in the Literature

3.1. Questionnaire

3.2. Survey

3.3. Action Research

3.4. Literature Review

3.5. Content Analysis

3.6. Case Method

3.7. Interview

4. Components

4.1. Instructional

4.1.1. Pedagogical

4.1.2. Technological

4.1.3. Curriculum/Course Development

4.2. Organizational (or Structural)

4.2.1. Department Chairs (Leadership)

4.2.2. Teams

4.2.3. Communication

4.3. Institutional

4.3.1. Research

4.3.2. Evaluation Programs/Units Tenure Review

4.3.3. Community

4.3.4. Change Management (includes Tech integration?)

4.3.5. Ethics

4.4. Personal

4.4.1. Scholarship

4.4.2. Career New Faculty Career Stages Adjunct Tenure/NonTenure Posttenure Transition

4.4.3. Discipline

4.4.4. Work Satisfaction

4.4.5. Interpersonal

5. Further Related Research

5.1. Discipline-Specific PD

5.2. Mentoring

5.3. Portfolios

5.4. Online Fac Dev

5.5. International

5.6. Community

5.7. Context of Institution

5.7.1. Medica/Doctoral

5.7.2. Traditional

5.7.3. Community college

5.8. Program evaluation

6. History

6.1. 60s -Discipline Expertise

6.2. 70s - Teaching to Students

6.3. 80s - Lack of Funding and Support

6.4. 90s - Changing Needs

6.5. 2000s - Technology

6.6. Present - Accountability

7. Key Questions

7.1. Will faculty participate?

7.1.1. Engagement

7.1.2. Motivation

7.1.3. Optional or Mandatory

7.1.4. Incentive

7.2. Does it work?

7.2.1. Evaluation

7.2.2. Assessment

7.2.3. Outcomes