Teaching-Learning Critical Pathways & Collaborative Inquiry in a School.

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Teaching-Learning Critical Pathways & Collaborative Inquiry in a School. by Mind Map: Teaching-Learning Critical Pathways & Collaborative Inquiry in a School.

1. What is a T-LCP and a CI?

2. Resources Teaching -Learning Critical Pathways http://teaching-learning-critical-pathway.pbworks.com/w/page/19883204/FrontPage  Teaching-Learning Critical Pathways Webcast http://curriculum.org/secretariat/criticalpathways/gettingstarted.shtml  Collaborative Inquiry - EduGains http://www.edugains.ca/newsite/aer/collaborative_inquiry.html System Leaders and Collaborative Inquiry http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/CBS_SystemLeaders.pdf

3. What have we learned from this T-LCP or CI? What are the next steps for our students?

4. What learning experiences will help scaffold instruction?

5. Scaffolding and Reflecting at the end of a Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway (T-LCP) or Collaborative Inquiry (CI).

5.1. Where do we go from here for our next T-LCP or CI?

5.2. T-LCP or Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway is a model for delivering curriculum and collaborating with colleagues.  Effective T-LCP’s help engage and promote learning for students and teachers.  As we have been learning and working on the T-LCP process in the course it is clear that this is a multi faceted process.  As mentioned by many in their work, a T-LCP should be focused on an area of need that is based on assessment data.  As a team, creative and engaging tasks are developed that focus on the area of need.  Within the T-LCP there is a climate of high expectations.   Collaborative Inquiry is a cyclical process where teachers in a school collaborate to achieve a common goal which will help students achieve success. Why Collaborative Inquiry? “Collaborative inquiry holds potential for deep and significant change in education. Bringing educators together in inquiry sustains attention to goals over time, fosters teachers’ learning and practice development, and results in gains for students.” – Canadian Education Association, 2014

6. Reflection is Important: Below are some questions to consider.

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7. How will a teacher know what students have learned? What can the students do to demonstrate their learning? What will be the success criteria? What will assessment look like in a T-LCP or CI? Many opportunities will be provided for students to demonstrate their learning but what will these opportunities look like?