1. Python
1.1. jldaws
1.1.1. Collection of Amazon AWS utilies
1.2. jldzeromq
1.2.1. Collection of ZeroMQ utilities
1.3. jlddk
1.3.1. Collection of "lego style" components
1.4. pyjld
1.4.1. Collection of modules
1.5. pypp
1.5.1. Python Preprocessor
1.6. pyfse
1.6.1. Python Finite State Engine (machine)
1.7. jldupont
1.7.1. Collection of Python utilities
1.8. Phidgets
1.8.1. Phidgets-DBus
1.8.2. Phidgets-AMQP
1.8.3. Sensors-Apps
1.9. Musicbrainz
1.9.1. Musicbrainz Proxy DBus
1.10. Last.fm
1.10.1. dbus-lastfm DBus API to Last.fm WebService API
1.10.2. lastfm-proxy-dbus
1.11. BT Transmission
1.11.1. helper
1.12. jld_scripts
1.12.1. m3u2symlinks
1.12.2. id3info
1.12.3. lastfm_gettracks
1.12.4. squeezecenter_utils
1.13. jld_osx
1.14. pyusbg2
2. PHP
2.1. zend
2.1.1. Zend Framework PEAR repository
2.2. smarty
2.2.1. Smarty PEAR repository
2.3. php-aop
2.3.1. Aspect Oriented Programming library
2.4. jldupont
2.4.1. Collection of PHP utilities
3. Chrome
3.1. Auto-Reload
3.2. Stackoverflow Tweaks
3.3. NPAPI-mDNS extension
4. Rhythmbox
4.1. Last.fm
4.1.1. Last.fm Desktop plugin
4.1.2. Sync Last.fm plugin
4.2. MediaPlayer DBus
4.3. Playlists Auto Export
4.4. SqueezeBox control
5. Erlang
5.1. EPAPI
5.1.1. Erlang Port API
5.2. Erlang-DBus
5.2.1. DBus Interface library
5.3.1. Message Switch
5.4.1. Twitter Notifier
5.5.1. BT Transmission Notifier
5.6. Phidget Manager
5.6.1. Manager for Phidget devices
6. Mediawiki
6.1. Extensions
6.1.1. 100's of them
6.2. Bizzwiki
7. C/C++
7.1. litm
7.1.1. Lightweight Inter-Thread Messaging
8. Ubuntu Repositories
8.1. Main (jldupont)
8.2. Phidgets Library
9. Google Gadgets
9.1. Stackoverflow Flair
9.1.1. GGD
9.2. Ohloh Flair
9.2.1. Google Gadget Directory
9.3. Skype Flair
9.3.1. GGD
9.4. Twitter Profile
9.4.1. GGD
9.5. Google Moderator
9.5.1. Google Gadget Directory
9.6. Github Gist
10. Javascript
10.1. Prolog.js
10.1.1. Prolog Compiler & Interpreter