Civil War Battles Antietam
by Rachel Gamez

1. Outcome & Significance
1.1. Deadliest single day in American history
1.2. Casualties greater than 26,000 soldiers
1.3. South loses 1/4 of their men
1.4. Lincoln fires General McClellan because he is too cautious
1.5. Tactically inconclusive, but Union did well enough to give Pres Lincoln the courage to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
2. How was this battle a part of the North or South's Civil War strategy?
2.1. Confederate armies are in the North near Washington D.C. trying to convince Northerners to surrender
3. Sources
3.1. Textbook
4. WHEN did it happen?
4.1. September 17th, 1862
5. WHO was involved? Leaders
5.1. Union/North
5.1.1. President Abraham LIncoln
5.1.2. General McClellan
5.2. Confederacy/South
5.2.1. President Jefferson Davis
5.2.2. General Robert E. Lee
6. WHY did it happen?
6.1. Union finds a copy of Lee's army orders wrapped around a bunch of cigars. These plans reveal that Lee & McClellan's armies are separated.
6.1.1. Item 1
6.1.2. Item 2
6.1.3. Item 3