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Logarithms by Mind Map: Logarithms

1. Notes

1.1. 7.1 Graphing Exponential Growth

1.2. 7.2 Graphing Exponential Decay

1.3. 7.4 Introduction to Logs

1.4. 7.5 Simplifying Logs

1.5. 7.6 Graphs of Logs

1.6. 7.8 Log Properties

2. Resources

2.1. YouTube lessons

2.2. Homeroom Tutor Room

2.3. Evening Review Sessions

3. Quizzes

3.1. 7.1, 7.2 4/13/13

3.2. 7.4-7.6 4/27/13

3.3. 7.4-7.8 5/4/13

4. Homework

4.1. 7.1pgs. 200, 201 #3-21

4.2. 7.2 Graphing worksheet pg. 67

4.3. 7.4 worksheet pg. 74

4.4. 7.5 pg. 234 #23-40

4.5. 7.6 pgs. 240, 241 #2-32 evens

4.6. 7.8 worksheets pg. 101