Addressing Needs of Children with Challenging Behavior
by Ashley Dotson
1. Talk to Children
1.1. Discuss options if behaviors do not change
1.2. See if the child is having outside obstacles
1.3. Ask child what difficulties they are having and how they can be fixed
1.4. Allow children to make positive and effective decisions on their own
2. Discuss With Parents
2.1. Look at options of what can be changed at home
2.2. Talk about rewards and punishments
2.3. Create at home expectations similar to the ones in the classroom
3. Teachers plan for success
3.1. Talk to other teachers and see if they can brainstorm ideas
3.2. Set up one on one time with child to see why they are struggling
3.3. Meet with parents and child and communicate the problem
3.4. Explain expectations clearly and post them within the classroom
3.5. If things get to bad inform principle or district office