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Pedagogy by Mind Map: Pedagogy

1. Classroom Environment

1.1. Relationships

1.2. Classroom management

1.2.1. Teacher withitness

1.2.2. Relationships

1.2.3. Rules and Values

1.3. School Leadership and collaboration

1.4. Composition of learners

2. Strategies

2.1. Direct Instruction

2.2. research based best practice

2.3. concept based instruction

2.4. Inductive/Deductive Problem solving

2.5. Critical Thinking

2.6. Reciprocal Teaching

2.7. problem based learning

2.8. Classroom discussion

3. Assessment

3.1. as, of, and for learning

3.1.1. self assessment

3.2. assessment informs instruction

3.2.1. Formative

4. Teacher Planning

4.1. Standards

4.2. District Guidelines

4.3. Year Long Planning

4.4. Unit planning

4.5. Daily Planning

4.6. Minute-by-minute adaptations

5. Student Motivation

5.1. intrinsic v. extrinsic

5.1.1. avoid rewards

5.2. Cognitive capacity

5.3. cultural beliefs

6. discipline (content) knowledge