by Justin Bryan

1. Dig/Pass
1.1. u got to hit it relly hard wit ur hand so it goesz ova da net
1.2. First make a fist with your left hand, but put the knuckles to the right. Lay your thumb on top. Put your left hand around the fist, knuckles to the left. Put that thumb on top right next to the other thumb.
1.3. Second get in the ready position. Put your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees.
1.4. Thirdly when the ball comes towards you, hit it with your arm between you elbow and wrist, but closer to your elbow.
1.5. When digging, you must face your target - which is generally the setter. By facing your target, you are ensuring that your ball will not go to an undesired person or location.
1.6. When digging, straighten your knees while keeping your arms level and steady.
2. Spike
2.1. 1. Eyes on the ball- beginning approach
2.2. Watch the ball leave the setter's hands, and be ready to adjust your approach to the balls flight path. First step is a small adjusting step with the right foot in the direction of the ball.
2.3. 2. Beginning preparation to jump
2.4. Arms are moving/swinging backwards preparing to swing forward. Foot plants onto ground in heel-toe action.
2.5. 3. Final preparation of jump
2.6. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Knees are bent with upper legs at a 45 degree angle to the ground. Arms are all the way back to be almost parallel to the ground.
2.7. 4. Commencement of jump
2.8. Legs extend to drive body upwards off the ground and arms swing forward to point at the ball trying to jump directly upwards as much as possible.
2.9. 5. Front arm is extended and hitting arm is prepared
2.10. The front arm is extended and points to the ball whilst the hitting arm is drawn back.
2.11. 6. The hitting arm is drawn back and back is arched
2.12. The hitting arm is extended back with the elbow pointing high as the hand is positioned behind the head. The back is arched in preparation.
2.13. 7. Contact with the ball
2.14. The elbow is moved forward to be in front of the shoulder. The arm is then fully extended so the hand makes contact with the ball in front of the hitting shoulder. As the hand contacts the ball the wrist snaps forward over the ball, propelling it downwards.
2.15. 8. Follow through
2.16. The arm follows the direction of the ball after contact.The hand should end up next to the hip.
3. Court Rules
3.1. 2. Player cannot hit the ball twice in a row.
3.2. 3. Players must not touch the net.
3.3. 4. If the ball touches the line it is deemed in.
3.4. 5. You cannot stand on or over the base line during a serve.
3.5. 6.No foul verbal comments are accpetable.
3.5.1. Peoples feeling are precious.
3.6. 7. Maximum of 6 players for each team.
3.7. 8. The first team to 25 points win. Three sets of 25 completes a match.
3.8. 9. Player must not step over their half into the oppositions half.
3.9. 10. Players must not carry or catch the ball.
3.10. http://www.volleytastic.com/playing-volleyball/basic-volleyball-rules/
3.11. http://volleyball.about.com/od/learntoplay/a/Digging.htm
4. Player positions/rules
4.1. must be 6 on the court
4.2. there is one main setter - located in the front centre
4.3. there is a defense zone and an attack zone
4.4. rotation occurs when the opposing team loses the point -
4.5. player must not touch the net
4.6. three players in each zone
4.7. there is a middle blocker - usually a taller member of the team, with usually move to form a double block with either of the outside hitters
4.8. outside hitter - spikes
4.9. right side hitter - spikes
4.10. server when in attack
4.11. left back - is the server
4.12. left right
4.13. P1 - position 1 or Zone 1 - server
4.14. players rotate clockwise on court after winning the rally after the opponents serve
4.15. P2 -position 2 or Zone 2 - right side hitter
4.16. P3 - position 3 or Zone 3 - setter
4.17. P4 - position 4 or Zone 4 - outside hitter
4.18. P5 - position 5 or Zone 5 - left side back
4.19. P6 - position 6 or Zone 6 - middle blocker
4.20. Each player has a number because they have to stay in the same serving order throughout the game
5. Serve
5.1. Over arm serve for more accurate results
5.2. Throw the ball just above your head.
5.2.1. then spike the ball over the net as hard as you can
5.3. Make contact with the ball just above your head
5.4. Keep your hand straight. Do not close your fists
5.5. step into it.
5.6. If you can't do overarm serves then it's best to do underarm serves
5.6.1. Feet has to be behind the yellow line when serving. Otherwise the opposite team will automatically get a point