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English 2 af Mind Map: English 2

1. to Go

1.1. home

1.1.1. I need to go home. I work at. home.

1.2. downtown

1.2.1. I work downtown.

1.3. to the

1.3.1. I like to go the theater. I hate to go to the cinema. I never to go to the store.

1.4. to

1.4.1. school

1.4.2. work I work at the store. I work downtown.

1.4.3. church I work at church

1.4.4. New node at - na to - para

1.5. to go

2. Agradecer

2.1. thank you

2.2. you're welcome

3. Verbs

3.1. Infinitivo

3.1.1. to star I goes to start here. speak I prefer to speak with manager. need

3.2. Presente

3.2.1. only the verb in sentence.

3.2.2. I drink milk in the morning

3.3. Sequência

3.3.1. verb + adjective

4. Questions

4.1. What do you want?

4.2. Where do you work?

4.3. When do you study?

4.4. How are you

5. a,e,i,o,u

5.1. an

5.1.1. an egg

6. Answers

6.1. I'm not doing very well.

7. Maiúsculas

7.1. Dias Semana nome dos meses nacionalidade lingua do país

8. How

8.1. much

8.1.1. coisas incontáveis

8.2. many

8.2.1. coisas contáveis

9. to buy

9.1. I need to buy a book

9.1.1. for you.

10. to sell

10.1. I want

10.1.1. to sell my car to my sister.

11. prepositions

11.1. to

11.1.1. use para lugares

11.2. at

11.2.1. em

11.3. until

11.3.1. até

11.4. still

11.4.1. ainda no meio da frase.

11.5. yet

11.5.1. ainda no fim da frase.

11.6. on the corner

11.6.1. na esquina

12. Know

12.1. how

12.1.1. I don't know how to play de piano não sei como

12.2. I don't know French.

12.2.1. conhecer.

13. Past

13.1. Afirmative

13.1.1. to drink I drank He drank

13.1.2. to need I needed He needed

13.1.3. to eat I ate She ate

13.2. Negative

13.2.1. Did Did you help Did she help