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Lost persons locating aid solution создатель Mind Map: Lost persons locating aid solution


1.1. emergency services

1.2. other members of public

1.3. rescue teams

1.3.1. air

1.3.2. sea

1.3.3. land

2. WHO

2.1. outdoor enthusiasts

2.1.1. hikers

2.1.2. campers

2.1.3. hunter

2.1.4. people with partnerships in nature reserve maintenance

2.2. vulnerable people

2.2.1. the elderly

2.2.2. those with mobility issues

2.3. involved in accidents outside of urban areas

3. HOW

3.1. visual

3.1.1. flash lights

3.1.2. strobes

3.2. auditory

3.2.1. buzzer

3.2.2. alarms

3.2.3. emergency whistle

3.3. tactile

3.3.1. vibration motors


4.1. off grid

4.1.1. without access to electricity

4.1.2. unable to reach emergency sevices conventionally

4.2. rural/urban areas

5. WHY

5.1. injury

5.2. unable to find location

5.3. trapped

5.3.1. avalanche

5.3.2. rubble

5.3.3. flood


6.1. night

6.1.1. lack of visibility

6.2. in extreme weather

6.2.1. storm

6.2.2. fog

6.2.3. snow