Oscar Wilde

mapa de Virginia Woolf

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Oscar Wilde by Mind Map: Oscar Wilde

1. Birth

1.1. 16 October 1854

2. Parents

2.1. Jane, née Elgee

2.1.1. Introduce him to lecture

2.2. Sir William Wilde

3. Education

3.1. Homeschooled till 9

3.1.1. French

3.1.2. German

3.2. Portora Royal School in Enniskillen

3.3. Trinity College, Dublin

3.4. Magdalen College, Oxford

3.4.1. Catholicism

4. Writing

4.1. The picture of Dorian Gray

4.2. The Importance of Being Earnest

4.3. De Profundis

5. Theatre

5.1. Salomé

5.2. Lady Windermere's Fan

5.3. An Ideal Husband

6. Death

6.1. 30 November 1900

6.1.1. Meningitis

6.2. Opinions of the causes