Uniform Circular Motion

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Uniform Circular Motion by Mind Map: Uniform Circular Motion

1. Centripical Force

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. A force directed toward the center of a curve

1.1.2. F(centripical)=m(v^2/r)

1.2. Example

1.2.1. when your car goes around a bend, you slide to the inside

2. Centripetal Accleration

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. analysis of constant speed of circular motion

2.1.2. v^2/r

2.2. Example

2.2.1. the difference between two radii

3. Circumference

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. C=3.14d

3.1.2. The distance around a circle, the distance traveled in once revolution

3.2. Example

3.2.1. When swinging a yo-yo around, the distance traveled in one revlolution

4. Tengential Velocity

4.1. Definition

4.1.1. velocity of the tangent if a constantly moving circular motion

4.1.2. V=2(3.14)r/t

4.2. Example

4.2.1. the speed that you are moving around a merry-go round

5. Definition:

5.1. an object's motion at a constant speed in a circular path

5.2. a ball being swung at a constant speed around someone