Civilization Project

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Civilization Project by Mind Map: Civilization Project

1. Government & Leaders

1.1. Egypt

1.1.1. Pharaoh Loyal group of assistants Vizier Chief treasurer General of armies

1.2. Huang He

1.2.1. Three Wise Kings King Yao Virtuous ruler bringing harmony to society King Shun Regulating seasons, weights, measures, and units King Yu Rescued China from raging floods of the Yellow River

2. Religion

2.1. Huang He

2.1.1. Worshiped God

2.1.2. Had ancient rituals

2.1.3. Held ceremonies

2.1.4. Held gathering for God

2.2. Egypt

2.2.1. Had sacrifices

2.2.2. Gave offerings to God

2.2.3. Had ceremonies

2.2.4. Had an organized church

3. Geography and Agriculture

3.1. Egypt

3.1.1. Used irrigation canals

3.1.2. Grew more crops

3.1.3. Grew crops faster

3.1.4. Grew corn and wheat

3.2. Huang He

3.2.1. River would flood every year

3.2.2. More fertile soil

3.2.3. More abundant plants

3.2.4. Grew rice

4. Arts and Education

4.1. Huang He

4.1.1. Art was made with intricate and delicate designs

4.1.2. Ceramics became popular during the Shang dynasty

4.1.3. Had an advanced irrigation system

4.1.4. Created a written language

4.1.5. Did acrobatics and martial arts

4.2. Egypt

4.2.1. Monuments were built to honor gods

4.2.2. Temples were made up of courtyards and halls

4.2.3. Interested in math and science

4.2.4. Used math and science to try and understand how the world worked to better their lives

4.2.5. Learned math to build pyramids

5. Science and Technology

5.1. Egypt

5.1.1. Ox-drawn plows

5.1.2. Astronomy

5.1.3. Black Ink

5.1.4. Several Military Innovations

5.2. Huang He

5.2.1. Iron Metallurgy

5.2.2. Invented Paper

5.2.3. Invented Water Wheel

5.2.4. Discovered Papyrus

6. Economy and Trade

6.1. Huang He

6.1.1. Traded metal

6.1.2. Civilization focused on day to day agriculture

6.1.3. Silk Road helped China grow agriculturally

6.1.4. Trading brought cultural immersion

6.2. Egypt

6.2.1. Ancient command economy

6.2.2. Farmers for crops

6.2.3. Specialized bureaucracy

6.2.4. Stored surpluses for future/exchange

6.2.5. Introduced coined money

7. Social Structure and Family

7.1. Huang He

7.1.1. Ruled by the royal family and allied nobles.

7.1.2. Landless peasants represented most of the population.

7.1.3. The upper class owned most of the land.

7.1.4. Peasants lived underground to make room for the upper class.

7.2. Egypt

7.2.1. The Pharaoh was at the top of the social pyramid.

7.2.2. Slaves and servants resided at the bottom.

7.2.3. Between the two extremes were farmers, artisans, scribes, soldiers, priests, and nobles.

7.2.4. Unlike in other societies, women and men were generally equal.