Haul Rope (Ch.2) - Wire Rope Classification (2)

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Haul Rope (Ch.2) - Wire Rope Classification (2) by Mind Map: Haul Rope (Ch.2) - Wire Rope Classification (2)

1. Construction/stranding principle (5)

1.1. Seal

1.1.1. big wires outside - not rubbing, no abrasion; small wires inside - flexibility chairlift, gondola

1.2. Warrington

1.2.1. wires in the outside layer are of different sizes. Flexibility + Resist abrasion Warrington Seale/ Filler Wire ofr gondolas, aerial tramways and funiculars

1.3. Filler

1.3.1. super small wires fill in the emptinesses between the outside and inside layer wires. Good resistance to abrasion and fatigue

1.4. Filler Seale

1.4.1. the more wires, the stronger the rope ?

1.5. Warrington Seale

1.5.1. ?

2. Types of Cores (3)

2.1. Fibre Core (FC)

2.1.1. used for ski lifts

2.1.2. natural or synthetic

2.1.3. compress with wear; provide strands less support

2.2. Independent Wire Rope (IWRC)

2.2.1. good for counterweight rope

2.2.2. consists of a small wire rope used as a core for a larger wire rope

2.2.3. NOT used as a haul rope

2.3. Solid Core

2.3.1. a solid plastic rod, around which the strands are laid.

2.3.2. Heat is used in the process so that the strands imbed themselves in the plastic

2.3.3. more difficult to splice; do not act as a lubricant reservoir

2.3.4. compress LESS than FC

2.3.5. minimal stretch and diameter reduction

3. Number of strands (examples, 2)

3.1. E.g. 6x19 Seal, Fibre Core OR 6x19 S FC

3.2. E.g. 33mm 6x25 S RLL OR Lang lay rope

4. Ski lift application

4.1. Counterweight ropes -Warrington Seale

4.2. the bigger lift, the more wires in the strand

5. Lay Lenght

5.1. 1 full wrap of a crown wire* around the core

5.2. measure it to see if there are any variations/changes in diametr of the rope

5.3. *crown wire - surface of rope/top of a wire

6. Lay Direction (2)

6.1. the way strands and wires are laid, clockwise OR counterclockwise

6.2. Lang Lay (more popular)

6.2.1. strands and wires are twisted in the same way

6.2.2. when smth bumps, it smoothes; less abrasion

6.3. Regular

6.3.1. strands go one way; wires go the other way